Infinity Home Plumbing & HVAC is proud to serve the greater Buffalo, NY metropolitan area, including but not limited to the following areas.
- Buffalo, NY
- Erie County, NY
- Alden, NY
- Amherst, NY
- Lackawanna, NY
- Tonawanda, NY
- Orleans County, NY
- Albion, NY
- Carlton, NY
- Clarendon, NY
- Clayton, NY
- Holley, NY
- Kendall, NY
- Lyndonville, NY
- Medina, NY
- Murray, NY
- Ridgeway, NY
- Shelby, NY
- Yates, NY
- Genesee County, NY
- Batavia, NY
- Alabama, NY
- Alexander, NY
- Byron, NY
- Darien, NY
- Elba, NY
- LeRoy, NY
- Oakfield, NY
- Pembroke, NY
- Pavilion, NY
- Stafford, NY
- Niagara County, NY
- Niagra Falls, NY
- Lockport, NY
- North Tonawanda, NY
- Wyoming County, NY
- Warsaw
- Arcadia
- Attica
- Bennington
- Castile
- Covington
- Gainesville
- Genesee Falls
- Middlebury
- Orangeville
- Perry
- Pike
- Sheldon
- Warsaw
- Wethersfield